Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lilith's Lair Helpful Information And How it All Works

This blog is also going to include some helpful info, for those who are in need of help.  This post is all about many questions, and I will address each and every one in a longer format, at a later post.  But here are some of the most common questions that I get asked.

How do I send you my info?  On my website at  there is a box on the front of the very first page, where you can send a message.  There is also a page that is set aside just to send info. It is here

Or you can send it in the message box, that pops up at checkout.

Where and when will my spell be cast?

All spells are cast in one day,  as long as you get the info to me no later than 8pm Mountain time in the U.S.

Where is my spell cast?  As long as the weather is good it will be cast in a cave at the top of the mountain, there is a picture of the road leading to the mountain on the website.

Will I get bad karma from black magick?

The simple answer is no, and heres why, I always use protection and cleansing with each and every spell that is cast, so no harm will come to you or anyone you know.

Will the target know you have asked me to help?

No, cloaking is also part of the casting for you, so no one will know unless you tell them

Can you email me when casting?

No, I dont email during casting, i need to focus all my energy into casting, so emails will not be answered until I finish.

Is there anything I can do to make this work faster?

No, there is not, its best not to dwell on the castings and the problem, it is my job to help.  You just need to email me and keep me posted on how things are

Now these are just a few of the questions, i will go into more detail in another post.

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