Thursday, December 17, 2015

Lilith's Lair Black Magick Spell Casting Pictures

I thought i would share some pics from this past weeks casting Recently, I started doing some pics, and I thought many of you would enjoy seeing them.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pictures Of Casting Now Available At Lilith's Lair

New Announcement exciting changes at Lilith's Lair

Its something many have asked for in the past, and now I am going to try this and see how it goes.

Pictures of the casting are available, only if requested. Please let me know when you send your info if you wish this to be done for you.  Some conditions do apply.

Conditions are as follows:
Images of unlimited packages, must be limited to two castings each night. Entire Coven castings images are not available at this time.

If you purchase more than two spells per night, then only two of the spells will be photographed. Please let me know ahead of time which you choose, or I will choose the two that will be photographed.

Only spells cast by myself, (lilith) will be photographed.

 Pictures of conjures are not provided as these rituals take a large amount of energy, and demons, goddess, and entities demand respect, and I will not compromise that with images.

Why are their conditions?
This is due to a time issue, I must allow enough time for all the work to be done in one night.

All images will be sent the day after casting, not during the castings

I do need to know if you want pictures BEFORE CASTING.  Images are not taken of the casting UNLESS you ask for it before I cast.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Do Spells Backfire? What Went Right What Went Wrong A Simple Truth

As many of you know, this blog is about coupons, sales and information.  So, todays post is informational.  I have been asked this question many many times over the course of my life.  The simple truth is, spells do not backfire.  All spells are cast with a purpose, in other words what they are intended to do.  They is no one person, or spirit, or goddess that jumps up after a spell is cast and catches it out of the air, and twists it in something else.  Magick does not work like this, what can happen is a spell is cast, if it has not manifested yet, it does not stop things from happening.  Think of it this way, if you want to stop a freight train, but don't pull the leaver inside a cabin, the train does not stop. It simply keeps going in the same direction that is was. It is the same with spells, until the manifest things go on and progress as they would have if the spell had not been cast.

Sometimes, a spell can begin to manifest, they start small, using the same train concept, the train starts to turn ever so slightly, then suddenly stops.  Another example would be if you had cast a bring back lost love spell, and you and the other person began talking again, maybe seeing more of each other, then it suddenly stopped/   This would be a partial manifestation, and they are many causes, of this.  But, its not the spell, it could be that there is something blocking full manifestation, or the introduction of a new element that was not there before.  A spell cannot predict that something will happen to derail it, it is a ritual it can not predict anything.  An example of this, unforseen elements, would be if you had cast a bring back lost love, and all was going great, then suddenly the other person, gets a job offer from across the country, now the person moves away, leaving you behind.   This is a unforeseen derailment, and not the fault of the spell or ritual cast.

In other words a bring back love spell is just that, it brings back lost love.  It does not stop the person, from other things, like getting a job offer.  There seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to this topic, and its very simple, it does not happen, spells do not backfire.   I have heard some ask about  reverse, as well.  And they cannot reverse, if a spell is cast, there is no one who catches it, and throws it back at you, again magick does not work like that.  A example of a reverse, would be if you had cast a revenge spell, then suddenly the very next day, you began having all kinds of bad luck, but the other person, the one you had done the spell on, is happy and having the time of their lives,  Because spells cannot change targets, this cannot be what happened, again there is no one who catches the spell before it manifests and changes the target.  Sometimes we look for manifestation so hard, we can see it happen to ourself, this creates the illusion that it is reversed.  If a spell has not manifested on its target yet, how can it work backwords?  This is simple it can't,  Again, there can be a number of things that caused your bad luck, and it had nothing to do with the spell cast the day before.

I do hope this helps some to understand a bit more about how spells work.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Full Moon Coupon Liliths Lair 50 % Casting for November Fog Moon

50% Off Sale!  Use coupon code fogmoon

The Night of the Full Moon is known for its beauty, its healing properties, its fantastic energy, and its magic!
All magic is much more powerful on the night of the full moon, during this phase spells which deal with power and magical energies will be at their strongest. 
Since the moon is brimming with positive energy and power during the full moon phase,we are able to draw power and energy from the moon to direct them in the right direction so that a person can achieve a certain goal easily. In other words, the full moon passion and power is directed towards a person for a fruitful outcome. Once a spell is casted to harness the power of full moon, I believe that the universe will join hands in helping one achieve his/her goals. Also, those who are confronted with disturbing issues in life have improved chances of banishing all the negative things in life during the full moon. There are scores of people out there who vouch for the fact that that they were able to make positive changes in their lives by harnessing the power of full moon.

This full moon the fog moon will be a wonderful time to do bring back love, break up, communication  and banishment, get rid of the ex spells.  Spots still available get yours now!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

New Exciting Announcement from Lilith's Lair

A new and exciting thing is happening at Lilith's Lair, a announcement  will be made within the next few days, and I hope everyone will be excited as me!  Heres a hint, its something many of you have been asking for, so follow this blog so you can be one of the first to know the good news!

Part of it, is about the future for myself and the coven and part of it is all about you!!  So hang on to your seats, and follow me through this journey!! 

Liliths Lair Information What Happens After My Spell is Cast?

This post is information, and I do hope it will help people understand.  I want to address many things in this blog, to be sure everyone is clear on how all this works.  I do have two pages on my website that does explain things, but this post should help clear up any questions you should have after purchase,  So this post is all about what happens after your spell is cast.

Some of these questions I will also talk about .


All spells take on average 4 to 5 weeks to manifest, this is a average, so in some cases it can be a shorter time frame and others it can be longer.  I never know how long it will take for any spell to work, each person and or target is different, no two are the same.   No spell is ever instant, if someone tells you they are they are not being truthful.  Magick just does not work like that, let face it if it was instant, it would be just like the movies!

Are spells guaranteed?  No, no one can promise that, and anyone who does, again, is not being truthful with you.  I never make any promises about manifestation, it is impossible for me, or anyone to know the exact day and time any given spell with work.  So, to say, that a spell will always work within  a day, a month etc, is just fantasy.  And A promise I will not make, I know the average time for my spells to manifest, and thats all.   All I can say is I will do my very best to be sure your spells work as you need them to.


Let me begin this by saying, that is a rare that this is ever done.  Here's some of the reasons why.  If a refund is given, then a full reversal of your spells is done within 24 hours.  This is done to reverse or prevent any manifestation for your spell.  It just is not ok, to get a refund after work is done, because it does give someone a free spell casting, and reversal.  The supplies to cast, and also to do the reversal, do cost money, supplies are just not free.  Not to mention, that I do have to spend time doing a reversal, instead of helping someone else by casting.  I never charge for my time, but it is important to me, that I help as many people as I can.

If I get a reversal and refund, can I get you to do another spell at a later date?

No, sorry but once this is done, I will not help you anymore, this is one of the very few times, I will not help.  This is because of all the reasons I listed above.  If you have had a reversal done,then I will not cast for you again,   I really don't want to sound harsh, but I do this to help others, and reversals take time away from me doing that.

what  happens after a reversal. ?

Many of you may or may not know, that when many meta sellers left ebay a few years ago, we kept in touch.  There are a few hundred of us, and we talk online to each other. We share info about our work, sales specials announcements, things like that.  Some of the sellers, myself included will share some info not anything confindental ever,  But things like problems, and refunds and reversals are talked about.  So, please bear in mind before you ask for a reversal that there is a possibility that other sellers may find out, that this one done.   It will then be your choice if you really want the refund and reversal.  I do not do this with everyone, that is why I said is it possible.  The sharing is determined on a case by case basis,  and nothing is every shared expect names, user id and refund reversal.  This is in effect a feedback system we have created.

Why is this done?

Lets face it, many buy something from me, and someone else at the very same time, or in a matter of days or weeks.  So, this is done so that the seller is aware that a problem may come up, because it did in the past.  No, different than feedback on ebay,bonanza,etc.

So, if I choose not  to get a reversal what can I do if the spell has not manifested yet?

In the rare case, that a manifestation does not happen as planned.  Recasts are always free, I never charge for them, and work very hard to be sure everything I do works.  My success rate is above 94%, and that is very good.  I also check for anything that may be blocking manifestation, if something is, I clear it out for free then recast.  Rest assured I will do everything possible to be sure your spell works as planned.

And last but not least, email me, anytime, I am here to help and can only do that if we talk to one another, so email me as often as you like.   Communication is very important, so I am happy to hear for you!

I do hope that this post helps everyone, and don't forget about the coupon codes!

Blessing Lilith

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lilith's Lair Helpful Information And How it All Works

This blog is also going to include some helpful info, for those who are in need of help.  This post is all about many questions, and I will address each and every one in a longer format, at a later post.  But here are some of the most common questions that I get asked.

How do I send you my info?  On my website at  there is a box on the front of the very first page, where you can send a message.  There is also a page that is set aside just to send info. It is here

Or you can send it in the message box, that pops up at checkout.

Where and when will my spell be cast?

All spells are cast in one day,  as long as you get the info to me no later than 8pm Mountain time in the U.S.

Where is my spell cast?  As long as the weather is good it will be cast in a cave at the top of the mountain, there is a picture of the road leading to the mountain on the website.

Will I get bad karma from black magick?

The simple answer is no, and heres why, I always use protection and cleansing with each and every spell that is cast, so no harm will come to you or anyone you know.

Will the target know you have asked me to help?

No, cloaking is also part of the casting for you, so no one will know unless you tell them

Can you email me when casting?

No, I dont email during casting, i need to focus all my energy into casting, so emails will not be answered until I finish.

Is there anything I can do to make this work faster?

No, there is not, its best not to dwell on the castings and the problem, it is my job to help.  You just need to email me and keep me posted on how things are

Now these are just a few of the questions, i will go into more detail in another post.

Black Friday Sale At Lilith's Lair !

40% off entire store, valid until 11/26/215  Use coupon code vampire565  This includes everything in the store, spell castings for love, money revenge, even unlimited packages.  You may use this coupon as much as you like before it expires.

 Coupon can be used at